Category Archives: Uncategorized

Noh Theater Masks

Noh theater has a very long history in Japan.  The style was first transferred over from China during the 8th century, and it seems to have been the Japanese version of slapstick or archetypal performance in the very beginning.  It … Continue reading

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El Anatsui

Artist El Anatsui, a native of Ghana (specifically the Volta region), is internationally known for his sculptures and installations.  One series of his work that includes his piece “Versatility” focuses on the textile techniques from his home area of Volta. … Continue reading

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Cultural Variations in the Depiction of Women

The differing images of women in art is fascinating.  One of the factors that creates this difference is the cultural background of the artist.  Each of these artists comes from different cultural background, although some of their heritages overlap slightly. … Continue reading

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When the Saints Go Marching In

I absolutely love Louis Armstrong, so for this assignment I decided to analyze his version of When the Saints Go Marching In (This particular version was most likely performed either in 1949 and not the 1930s like I had originally stated … Continue reading

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A Vote for the Impressionists

I’ve enjoyed specific aspects of all the art styles that we have looked at so far, but Impressionism is still one of my all time favorite art movements.  There’s an energy within the strokes and the bold use of colors … Continue reading

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The Rococo Style

Jean-Honoré Fragonard was one of France’s leading Rococo style painters.  He was a very talented painter, but devoted his pieces towards genre painting, and more specifically towards the erotic style appreciated in King Louis XV’s court.  Earlier artists like Rubens … Continue reading

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Artemisia Gentileschi

Artemisia Gentileschi was probably one of the more famous female artists of her time, especially during her life.  She was trained by her father, Orazio Gentileschi, at a young age, and then trained later by her father’s friend and fellow … Continue reading

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The Battle Between Carnival and Lent

One of my favorite artists from the Renaissance, specifically the Northern Renaissance, was Pieter Brueghel.  He was one of the more famous Flemish painters of the time.  His style was very different from other painter during his period, mostly because … Continue reading

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My First Attempt

This is my first blog and I don’t quite know what to say.  I’ve just returned to Alaska after spending a semester abroad in Athens, Greece.  I made it home just in time for the weather to warm up and … Continue reading

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